Nominal Accounting

Purchase Fields

When editing a purchase order template you can use any of the following fields.  You must use the exact field name.
[0] [id, Card Info]
[1] [card, Purchase Record]
[2] [terms, Purchase Record]
[3] [shipping, Purchase Record]
[4] [purchaseDate, Purchase Record]
[5] [dueDate, Purchase Record]
[6] [shipDate, Purchase Record]
[7] [comment, Purchase Record]
[8] [freight, Purchase Record]
[9] [glmemo, Purchase Record]
[10] [paymethod, Purchase Record]
[11] [paydetails, Purchase Record]
[12] [totalDue, Purchase Record]
[13] [totalPaid, Purchase Record]
[14] [tags, Purchase Record]
[15] [totalExTax, Purchase Record]
[16] [totalTax, Purchase Record]
[17] [desc, Purchase Item]
[18] [account, Purchase Item]
[19] [type, Card Info]
[20] [item, Purchase Item]
[21] [quantity, Purchase Item]
[22] [price, Purchase Item]
[23] [amount, Purchase Item]
[24] [taxCode, Purchase Item]
[25] [name, Card Info]
[26] [phone, Card Info]
[27] [altphone, Card Info]
[28] [fax, Card Info]
[29] [email, Card Info]
[30] [website, Card Info]
[31] [contact, Card Info]
[32] [altcontact, Card Info]
[33] [Notes, Card Info]
[34] [Photo, Card Info]
[35] [companyName, Company Info]
[36] [companyABN, Company Info]
[37] [companyAddress1, Company Info]
[38] [companyAddress2, Company Info]
[39] [companyCity, Company Info]
[40] [companyState, Company Info]
[41] [companyPostCode, Company Info]
[42] [companyCountry, Company Info]
[43] [phoneNumber, Company Info]
[44] [faxNumber, Company Info]
[45] [emailAddress, Company Info]
[46] [webSite, Company Info]

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